Managing Chapter Rosters

Beginning in Fall 2016 each Chapter must maintain and update their roster using UConntact ( In addition to the Roster Verification Update Requirement from the SOLID office, the Chapter is also required to make specific updates to the roster in accordance with 3 specific deadlines throughout each academic semester.

To access the Chapter roster, log into UConntact utilizing your NetID and password. Utilize the menu to locate your organization. Once on your organization site, click on the “Roster” tab and then on “Manage Roster.” Specific guidelines regarding the roster updates are listed below:


Start of Semester Update:

  • Click on “Edit Positions” to remove the “Associate Member” position from anyone that joined the semester prior.
  • Remove anyone who is no longer a member of the Chapter by clicking the check box in front of their name and then clicking the “End Membership” button. Be careful not to delete anyone who is supposed remain on your roster.
  • Review your roster to make sure that all members are included. If members are missing, click on the “Invite People” button to add members. Each member must log-in and accept the invitation before they will become visible on your roster. It is your responsibility to ensure that members accept the invitation.

Mid-Semester Update:

If your Chapter has recruited new members and is conducting a new/associate member education program or intake, you must submit a New Member Report and add all new members to your UConntact roster. The mid-semester roster update is due within 2-weeks of initiation. If your chapter is not conducting new member education/intake, no mid-semester update is required.

  1. Collect the full names, PeopleSoft numbers, and UConn email addresses for all new members.
  2. Log-in to UConntact and go to your organization’s page. On the manage roster page, click on the “Invite People” button to add members. On this screen you will enter all of the new members uconn email addresses. Once the email addresses are added, change the role to “associate member” for all new members before sending the invitation.
    • The best option for organizations to add new/associate members is to collect all UConn email addresses on an Excel spreadsheet and copy and paste all email addresses into the submission area. You can invite up to 500 people at once. Note: You must use addressed within UConntact.
    • Each member must log-in and accept the invitation before they will become visible on your roster. All members must be listed, not simply invited before the deadline. This means that once you send the invite, you may need to contact your members to be sure they follow the link in the email and log-in. Chapter officers are also able to view any pending invitations you’ve sent under the Manage Roster – Pending tab.
  3. Finally, once the new members have accepted the invitation and appear on the organization roster, you must identify them as “Associate Member” by clicking on the “Edit Positions” button, if you did not include the designation in the invitation stage.

End of Semester Update:

  • Review your roster to make sure that all members are included AND all new members are indicated as “Associate Member.” If members are missing, click on the “Invite People” button to invite them and make sure the accept the invitation by the deadline.
  • “End Membership” of any associate that was not initiated and any other person that left the chapter.
  • Do NOT remove graduating seniors or those not returning the next semester. The end of semester roster update is critical to reflect who completed the semester as a member.

CFSD does not recognize an “inactive” status. If a student is not  active in the organization, they should be removed from the roster on UConntact.