Honor Societies

Our FSL community members are able to join the following honor societies at the University of Connecticut. All honor societies have their own individual requirements which are listed below under their respective section. If you are interested in joining one (or more), please review the requirements and refer to our timeline below for when the application process will open up.

All of the honor societies have a fees associated with them. These fees will cover the cost of your lifelong membership dues, induction fee, pin, and graduation cords. These items will be given to you at the induction ceremony. If you do not attend, CFSD staff will reach out about pick up details. No items will be held until your graduation semester and will need to be picked up prior to the end of the semester.

Important Dates

Applications are currently closed. Application will open again in Fall 2024. 





Order of Omega 

Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of recognized fraternities and sororities that exemplify high standards in areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their organization and campus communities. Learn more about OOO here: https://orderofomega.org/


To Join:

– Must have been enrolled at UCONN for at least one academic year (sophomores, juniors, or seniors)

-Must be in good academic standing with UCONN (A cumulative GPA above the Fall 2023 All-Greek average GPA – TBA)

-If selected from our application pool, you will be required to pay a $85 New Member Fee (which covers your lifelong membership fees, graduation cord, and pin) 


Fees: $85: These fees will need to be paid partially online and separate portion via check. Further instructions will be sent upon selection.

Rho Lambda 

The purpose of Rho Lambda is to honor members within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their sorority community and their organization. They are sorority members who have furthered the ideals and principles of the Greek community throughout their years of sorority affiliation. Learn more about RL here: https://www.rholambda.org/


To Join:

​-Must be Junior and Senior sorority membersMust be Junior and Senior sorority members (no matter the council).

-Must have a 2.5 Cumulative GPA or higher. 

-If selected from our application pool, please note that you will be required to pay a $75 New Member fee (which covers your lifelong membership dues, graduation cords, pin, and initiation fees) 


Fees: $75

These fees will need to be paid via check. Further instructions will be sent upon selection.

Gamma Sigma Alpha

Gamma Sigma Alpha is an academic recognition society for initiated members in good standing with a university-recognized fraternity or sorority. To join Gamma Sigma Alpha, you must be a Junior or Senior level student and must have a cumulative GPA of a 3.5 or higher. Learn more about GSA here: https://gammasigmaalpha.org/


To Join:

​-Must be Junior or Senior member

-Must have a cumulative 3.5 GPA or better. 

-If selected from our application pool, please note that you will be required to pay a $75 New Member fee (which covers your lifelong membership dues, graduation cords, pin, and initiation fees) 


Fees: $75

These fees will need to be paid online. Further instructions will be sent upon selection.

For more information or questions, reach out to the Coordinator of CFSD, Jose Garcia, at jose.s.garcia@uconn.edu