Fraternity and Sorority Community Calendar

Event Calendar Submission

  1. 9/2 IFC Ville Crawl
  1. 9/3 Hartford CFSD Meet & Greet
  1. 9/8 IFC Recruitment Kick Off
  1. 9/10 IGC Panel
  1. 9/11 NPHC General Body Meeting
  1. 9/11 NPHC Black Greek 101
  1. 9/11 Panhellenic - Open Meeting
  1. 9/11 IFC - General Body Meeting
  1. 9/12 EOE - Snapshot Meeting Deadline
  1. 9/12 IGC Gen Body Meeting
  1. 9/14 CFSD Family Informational/Meet & Greet
  1. 9/15 EOE - Chapter Information Update Due
  1. 9/17 CFSD President’s Forum
  1. 9/17 AEPhi Ice Cream Late Night For EGPAF
  1. 9/18 Understanding Contracts & Agreements Presentation
  1. 9/19 ΙΦΘ Founders’ Day
  1. 9/19 Tie Dye - Community Day
  1. 9/23 NHPW: Advisor Roundtable
  1. 9/24 ΦΣΡ Founders’ Day
  1. 9/24 NHPW Speaker: Carol King
  1. 9/25 Panhellenic - Open Meeting
  1. 9/25 IFC - General Body Meeting
  1. 9/26 Kappameter Philanthropy Event
  1. 9/26 NHPW: Family and Parent Roundtable
  1. 9/26 IGC Gen Body Meeting
  1. 9/27 EOE - President Advising #1 Due
  1. 9/29 Meet the Greek Showcase
  1. 9/30 EOE - Continuing Education - Hazing Prevention Deadline
  1. 9/30 EOE - Anti-Hazing Agreement Due