NPC Violation Report

All parties are encouraged to resolve alleged infractions as soon as possible through informal discussion before filing an infraction. If the accusing party is comfortable discussing the incident leading to the infraction with representatives of the accused chapter, NPC encourages informal discussion between the disputing parties. Often the two parties can reach a mutual understanding and resolve the situation without further action needed.

Prior to submitting the violation report, please review page 89 of the NPC Manual of Information.pdf to learn about the information discussion process and how to file an infraction.

Complete and submit this form to send the violation report to the Panhellenic VP of Standards, Panhellenic President and the Fraternity/Sorority Advisor. This should be submitted no more than 30 calendar days from the date of the alleged infraction.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Alleged Infraction:(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 250 MB.
    If there are any documents, photos, etc. that you would like included, please upload those files here.
    Name and position
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.