Expectations of Excellence – Benefits and Privileges

Being recognized as a fraternity or sorority at UConn is a privilege and the university provides organizations with access to a variety of resources and opportunities. Through the Expectations of Excellence initiative, organizations will unlock benefits and privileges for meeting and exceeding expectations. Organizations cannot have two (2) Red-statuses in three (3) consecutive semesters, otherwise they risk their organizational status.

Benefits and Privileges

Registered as a student organization X X X
Access to meeting/event space X X X
Eligible to request intake/new member education X X X
Homecoming Participation (based on spring status) X X
Greek Picnic Participation (based on fall status) X X
Eligible to Reserve CFSD Equipment & Request Equipment Purchases X X
Eligible to Apply for Arête Awards* X X
Highlighted in CFSD Display Case X
Eligible for Fraternity/Sorority of the Year at Arête Awards X  
Recognition at Arête Awards X  
Fraternity and Sorority Expo Placement Preference X
Highlighted on TVs in the Student Union X
Chapter Incentive of Choice:

  • *Lunch for members of the chapter
  • *Dairy Bar for members of the chapter
  • *$300 toward an on-campus program/activity or Husky Village equipment/supply purchase

*A chapter with Red-Status in either the Spring or Fall of the same calendar year is ineligible to apply for or receive any Arête Awards.

If a vacancy in Husky Village occurs, the chapter’s EOE status from the current and previous academic year will be considered. A chapter with a space in Husky Village that fails to meet the minimum expectations of EOE for multiple semesters may not have its housing contract renewed.