End of Semester Report

This report must be submitted each semester by CFSD recognized organizations.

Before starting this form, please be sure to have the following ready:

  • Membership Roster for the Current Semester
  • Officer Contact Information for the Next Semester
  • Chapter Highlights/Successes and Challenges from the Past Semester
  • Philanthropy and Service Report
Button to End of Semester Report

To check the status of a previous submission, please log in to uconn.kualibuild.com, then select "my documents" on the top center portion of the screen. This will populate a list of all documents submitted through this platform. Select the correct submission from the list. This will open a new tab of the submission. On the top left side of the new page you will see a toggle for "View" - change the toggle from "review" to "status" to see where in the review process your form currently is.