Alpha Epsilon Pi

Alpha Epsilon Pi Greek letters

Since its inception on November 7, 1913 Alpha Epsilon Pi, the international Jewish Fraternity was founded to provide opportunities for Jewish men seeking the best possible college and fraternal experience. Since its founding at UConn in 1956, AEPi has been welcoming of people from all backgrounds and religions while upholding the strong values and morals of Judaism.

Message from the Chapter President

By becoming a part of the historic and strong, but young at UConn, brotherhood that is AEPi, you would be joining a close knit group of young Jewish men in building a powerful organization that aims to aid our local communities and beyond. Our goal is accomplish that while upholding and helping brothers to be ambitious and had working. And of course we do this while having the most fun and enriching UConn experience!

President: Joshua Fishman

Expectations of Excellence Standings


Chapter GPA 3.470 3.5
New Member GPA 3.539 3.5
Philanthropy Dollars Raised $288.00
HuskyThon Dollars Raised $10
Total Volunteer Hours 86.5
Overall Chapter Status Grey
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2024
Updated: February 2025


Quick Facts

Established at UConn 1956
Chapter Name Upsilon Kappa
Nickname  AEPi
Colors  Blue and Gold
Symbol  Lion
Philanthropy HuskyTHON, Israel Cancer Research
Motto "No one could tell me where my soul might be: I searched for God, but He eluded me; I sought my brother out and found all three"
Signature UConn Event Mench Madness

Chapter Awards

Coming Soon

Chapter Contact Information

Organizational Conduct History