Beta Theta Pi

Beta Theta Pi Greek letters
Beta Theta Pi was founded on August 8, 1839 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio by eight men who united in building of a fraternity which recognizes mutual aid and assistance in the honorable labors and aspirations of life, devotion to the cultivation of the intellect, lifelong friendship and unfaltering fidelity as objects worthy of the highest aim and purpose of associated effort.

Message from the Chapter President


Default Profile In my time as a Beta, I've been enriched by the lifelong friendships formed through our bond of brotherhood. We push each other to grow into the best versions of ourselves - men of moral character who serve a greater purpose. The Betas I've met over the years demonstrate our core values of trust, intellectual growth, responsible conduct, and integrity. We believe in improving society through the influence of upright men fostering these ideals through accountability, open communication, and mutual assistance. As president, I’m committed to strengthening our chapter and community while continuing Beta Theta Pi’s legacy at the University of Connecticut.

President: Ahmed Sadig

Expectations of Excellence Standings

Chapter GPA 3.103 3.311
New Member GPA 3.049 2.953
Philanthropy Dollars Raised  $0.00
HuskyThon Dollars Raised   $27,593.96
Total Volunteer Hours 337 288
Overall Chapter Status Red  N/A
Semester Fall 2023 Spring 2024
Updated: August 2024

Quick Facts

Year Established at UConn: 1999
Chapter Name: Zeta Chi
Nickname: Beta
Colors: Delicate shades of Pink & Blue
Symbol: Dragon
Philanthropy: United Service Organization (USO)
Motto: "Cooperation Makes Strength"
Signature Event: Beta Bowl

Chapter Awards

Coming soon

Chapter Contact Information

Organizational Conduct History

Term of Incident Type of Event Finding(s) of Responsibility Sanctions Sanction Length
Fall 2018 Hazing SC Part III B: 6: Hazing,

7c: Distributing or obtaining of alcohol to individuals under 21,

5: endangering behavior

1. Warning

2. Unintended Consequences’ Educational Session

Until April 2019
Spring 2017 Party Part III.B.2 Disruptive Behavior

Part III.B.5 Endangering Behavior

Part III.B.7A Misuse of alcohol and/or other drugs

Part III.B.7C Misuse of alcohol and other drugs

1. Organizational probation,

2. information session,

3. loss of privilege off-campus events with alcohol

Until March 2018